Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Having Sex before Marriage

Having sex is a sexual activity between a man and a woman; it could also be a sexual activity between a woman and a woman, or a man and a man, but in this essay I would like to write is about the first one. The activity is the most pleasant activity. People are allowed to do that after getting marriage. That is only a statement; in reality many people have done it before getting marriage.
In Indonesia, Jakarta especially, having love before marriage used to be a shame. However, that was the past time, now the cultures have change. When I was in Jakarta I had found “dreadful” facts about men and women living together, free-sex, and how the society sees those1. I stayed for a while in my cousin’s friend’s boarding house. In that boarding house, men and women living together is usual, even though they are not married, or in Indonesia we call it “kumpul kebo”. How the society sees this phenomena, they see this as a usual thing, that a conclusion that I take. Another thing that makes it ironic is the boarding house is near mosque. Another fact that I had experienced was when one of my friends asked me whether I have ever made love or not, when I said, I have not, they laughed at me. They said I haven’t synchronized to the Jakarta ways, which means I have to make love.
What about in Padang, the condition is not big different with in Jakarta. My friend’s ex-girlfriend had made love with her boyfriend. A few months ago a porn video, which stared by a student of a senior high school in Padang and the man from another high-school, had discovered. Because of those facts I am afraid how is the next generation would be? What about my sisters? How about my future wife would be? How about my friends, who are still virgin, can they keep in that way? And the most important question is how would this country be? The research has not done yet. There are so many why’s and how’s that I keep searching for the answers.
In contrast, when I thought doing free-sex is usual in the West. Just like Hollywood movies that I have watched. People do it as easy as buying a candy, you can do it with a girl that you just met. My thoughts have changed after meeting and doing conversation with my lecturer, Ms. Brita. She said the lives of the Western are not completely as the same as in the movies2. The statement is strengthened by Ms. Brita friends, Jennifer and Alice. They said Americans give big respect to virginity. Parents have taught their children to wait until they get married.
Having sex in my society, depends on me, fits with group society. If your friends do that, you have to do that too. It also fits with indirect conversation. In my society, it is rude to talk about sex.
Having sex is the most pleasant activity. The decision, having sex or not, is depending on you. However, there would be better if you wait until marriage and give your husband or wife your virginity. Or if you make decision to do so, it would be better for you to do safe sex. Just think before you do that, especially for women. Once you do that your hymen will not be back.
1 Def’s recollection
2 Interviewed Ms. Brita

Selasa, 14 Februari 2012

CALL assignment:
making categories: poetry, short story, novel, and drama script
making my own journal from next week till the last meeting