Selasa, 24 Mei 2011


I am Defrian Anhas everyone calls me Idef, but not many people call me Def. I love both of my call names. And actually I have other call names. I was born in Padang at 21 December 1990 in M. Djamil Hospital.  I am 170 centimeters height and 60 kilograms weight. I spent my childhood times in Padang too.
When I was almost 5 years old I entered a kindergarten named TK Baiturrahmah. After I graduated from that kindergarten, I continued my study to an elementary school named SD Baiturrahmah. I studied in that elementary school only until the middle of fourth grade.
In the middle of fourth grade I got chickenpox. Because of that disease I did not study for a month. After I recovered from that disease, I did not want to continue my study in SD Baiturrahmah, so my parents moved me to an elementary school in my mother’s village. I stayed there with my grandparents from my mother and my aunt. I studied in the elementary school only until I passed fourth grade.
When I was fifth grader, I moved to my father’s village and I studied in an elementary school there too. For my second movement, I moved, because my family moved too. I stayed in my father’s village with my family. We stayed there only for a year. After I passed the fifth grade, and my brother graduated elementary school. We moved again to Padang, but we didn’t move to our own home. We moved to a rent house in Parupuk Tabing St.
When we moved to Padang, my parents moved me to SD Angkasa II, Padang. I studied there until I graduated. After I graduated I continued my study to junior high school named SMP 13. In junior high school I became lazier. Now we skip my experienced along junior high. We continue to the worst part of my life. Why do I call like that? Because it was the time I really felt down and alone.What was that? That was time when the result of UN informed. The result was really disappointed me. I failed, but that time although we failed the test we could continue to senior high school. I continued my study to SMAN 7 Padang. In the remedial test I failed again that was really made me down. I did not study at all. Until one I realized that my feature is in my hand. I was back to school and I graduated from SMA Muhammadiyah, Tiku.
Now I am a college student in Padang State University. I made promise myself I will never be lazy anymore. Even though it is hard to do, but I have to do it for the better future.

8 komentar:

  1. idef, i think you have so many experience to move in one place to other place, and back again in the same place..
    i feel interesting to read this essay...
    good job :D

  2. You should write title of your essay to be interesting. It's too simple. Keep writing

  3. I love both of my call names. And actually I have other call names.

    * You can't separate the sentence above. it could be better, if you do not put dot before 'and'

  4. def,

    so far your essay is good enough,,
    but keep pay attention about grammar, diction and punctuation mark,,,

    that's from me!!

    keep writing!!

  5. hehe....good...
    However,I think you should choose the conclusion..^^

  6. interesting essay!!
    put some photos def :D

  7. please correct ur grammar.......
